What’s The Jam?
Create a ‘Festive’ themed game that has a maximum 12 second play time… that’s it!
Make it a high-score or or achievement based game for more of a challenge.
Usually for mini games like this you’d find a lot bunched into one main game, but we’re just looking for you to make 1, fun, amazing game! (or you can make lots of mini games and submit them all…. as long as they are all 12 seconds or less playtime.)
How Long Do I Have?
This game jam will run from the 1st – 22nd of December. You can make as many mini games as you like for this one, but they must but no more than 12 seconds of play time.
What does ’12 seconds of play time’ mean?
Think of it like this, you game is to throw a pie as far as possible, to do that you need to press the space bar as much as possible to build up speed and then hit enter to fling the pie… that right there is the play time. You have 12 seconds to press space, judge your angle and press space. All of the other bits of the game fall out side of that, so the pie launching and traveling 100’s of metres and splatting on the ground don’t count towards the play time.
What’s the restrictions?
Errr…. no more than 12 seconds of play time… and let’s make them ‘Festive’ themed.
Want some inspiration/an idea of what sort of games only take 12 seconds to play?
Have a look at these Point Blank 2, Wario Ware, Bishi Bashi Special,
Have fun
As with all the good game jams the main goal is to test your skills, try something new, make a game and have some fun, so go have some fun. And wear a Christmas jumper the entire time you are creating your game please.
No Spam Entries!
Please no spam entries, the idea is to make a game/prototype/concept for this jam, spam entries will be removed!
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